All About Eve
All About Eve
9. The Film Maker & The Strongwoman: Alice Guy-Blaché & Katie Brumbach a.k.a.The Great Sandwina
Julia tells us about Alice Guy-Blaché, who was arguably the first film director in history. Though the birth of cinema has been credited to others in the 20th century, Alice was making films 30 years before movies became popular. History has not been kind to her legacy, as she didn't put her name to a lot of her films, allowing random men to take credit for their creation. Quelle surprise. Anna discusses The Great Sandwina, the most famous Strongwoman of the early 1900s who cleverly made celebrity work to her advantage. She rose to fame because of her good looks and hourglass figure which, unsurprisingly, made her more popular than other strongwomen of her age. She would regularly carry three fully-grown men on one hand and was said to have lifted a 600lb cannon. Brains, brawn and beauty all in one...