All About Eve
The podcast where two women tell you about two other women you should know about. No cups involved.
All About Eve
6. The RAF Engineer & The Nurse: Lilian Bader & Mary Seacole.
Julia & Anna
Season 1
Episode 6
October is Black History Month in the UK, and in this episode Julia & Anna celebrate two incredible Black British women. Julia tells us about Lilian Bader, who was the first Black woman to join the RAF - but bloody 'ell did she have to fight to get there. Anna discusses Mary Seacole, the nurse who, after being rejected to join nursing crews in the Crimean War by the British Army decided to make her own way there.
Links for the episode:
Lilian Bader:
Amazing YouTube video by Lorena Thompson-Kerr
Mary Seacole:
The Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole in Many Lands 1857